Thursday, 18 March 2010

Performance painting

Fraid I don't have any photos to put up yet, but just felt I needed a bit of a rant on this subject! I love painting, music and texture, so have been making these paintings trying to emulate feelings that are evoked from the piece of music. I've found this leads to some issues though, mainly that it then doesn't look great (when trying to be representational), also it seems to lack a certain depth and passion which is what I was originally going for. So today I tried doing one of these paintings, sure enough, this was the outcome...quite interesting, you could see the movement in the marks I think, but it was definitly missing SOMETHING. So after a considerable amount of procrastination, alongside a good few buckets of tea I came to the conclusion that maybe it would help to make it more like performance art. A while ago now I took part in a performance art workshop run by Dagmar Glausnitzer, fantastic woman, and found it really interesting and fun, if a little bit scary, really have to pull out the weirdo within for this, but it's worth it I think. But anyway, one of the key points to be picked up from the workshop is that whenever you are taking part in a piece of performance art you have to be "in the now", ie. blocking out the outside world completely, becoming aware only of yourself in a detatched way so that you don't just do. Taking this point, I'd love to incorporate this into my painting, it's worth a shot at least, might help. I did attempt to do it once or twice today whilst painting, but I found I was very self concious, so I might need to go and find a space away from people, distractions and embarrassment. I'm annoyed at how self concious I felt, but then it's been a good few months since I tried this, got some good tips from a friend (fellow performance art lover) on how to start it, get into the right mind set for it. So yes, I'll post up the photos of today's painting asap. Might try to do some small performance paintings tomorrow to practice, experiment with having to deal with blocking out the outside world from the mind whilst still having to come back every so often to apply more paint to the brush/broom/mop or whatever, essentially this should be doable, just it's quite hard so we shall see :)

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